November 2022: Updates to COVID Office Protocols

Hello everyone,

We felt it was time to assess our COVID protocols and update you so that everyone is clear on the policies we are choosing to keep in place.

Heaven & Health has remained compliant with CDC guidelines throughout the pandemic and the past two and a half years have not been easy. Many of us are tired of wearing a mask.

That being said….

Please be advised that masks will continue to be required by clients on entry and in all common areas of our office. Staff will continue to wear masks as before.

While we continue to request that you wear a mask during your massage, there may be some discretion once you are in the treatment room.

It is very important to understand that each therapist has their own comfort level with this discretion and we respectfully ask that you honour this during your massage. Factors such as elderly parents, immunocompromised family members and the health concerns of the client whose massage follows yours are all factors that the therapists take into consideration when making this decision. Seasonal changes may also be an influence.

Please cancel or reschedule your appointment if:

  • You test positive for COVID-19
  • You have been exposed to someone who has tested positive
  • You have cold or flu-like symptoms
The most recent CDC guidelines can be found here, and we ask that you observe these when choosing to get a massage here at Heaven & Health.

You have all been amazingly supportive of our efforts to keep everyone safe and we cannot express how grateful we are for your patience and understanding.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
